訪日外国人客は、日本人のように、観光地をツアーであまり訪れません。 日本のあちこちをスマホ片手にどこへでも、行きたい所へ、我が物顔で闊歩しています!
長期滞在者になり、彼らはマンションを購入したり、自分でリノベーションをして家を建てています。 それは東京のような都会だけでなく、地方にも及んでいます。
日本語は外国人にはむずかしい言語であるはずですが、その日本語があまり出来なくても、日本で生活をしています。 そして住民とのやり取りを通して、日本語がドンドン上達しています。 いやー、本当にたくましいです。
彼らのこの逆バージョンを試みることがポイントです。 訪日外国人客が周りにたくさんいるこの状況で、携帯を片手に英語で話をします。 それが可能な環境を大いに活かすのです。
訪日外国人客は日本人と話をしたいと思っています。 ぜひ話をしましょう!
私の生徒さんはこれで、英語を話す度胸がすごーく付いたと言っています! (^^)v
英語で話すのが楽しくなってきますよ♪ 試してみてください! Give it a try 😉
ご興味ありましたらご連絡下さい ✨
Copy foreigners way and your English will be great! (^_-)-☆
This is Emiko, the Weapon English for your job.
Is Japan no longer a country only for Japanese people?!
I feel the situation that a lot of foreigners are living in Japan these days.
Even though they can hardly speak Japanese but they live here, we can learn from their awesome energy.
I thought that if you copy what they are doing, Japanese people will be able to use English well!
Foreign visitors to Japan don’t take tours as much as Japanese do. They walk around Japan with their smartphones in hand, going wherever they want to go, walk as if they owned!
Their ability to explore without relying on tour guides is remarkable.
Many of these short term visitors have become long-term residents and have settled in Japan permanently!
Becoming long-term residents, they are buying apartments or renovating and building their own homes. This isn’t only in urban areas like Tokyo, but also in rural areas.
Japanese is supposed to be a difficult language for foreigners, but even if they can’t speak it well, they are living in Japan. Even though they can’t use it good enough first, but their Japanese is improving rapidly through interaction with the local residents. Wow, they are really strong.
The key is to try this reverse version of them. In this situation where there are many foreign visitors to Japan around, you can talk in English with your cell phone in hand. You take great advantage of the environment in which this is possible.
Foreign visitors to Japan want to talk to Japanese people. Let’s talk to them!
My students say this has given them a lot of courage to speak English!! (^^)v
You will enjoy speaking in English. Give it a try! 😉
Please contact me if you are interested ✨
#foeigners #behavior #imitate #English #tourist spot #Japanese #settling #permanent residence