私は美魔女ヨガ in English の講座を行い、「心身知を磨き、いつでもどこでも瞬時に最高のパフォーマンスが発揮出来る」指導をいたします!
皆さんの活躍が楽しみです *\(^o^)/*
【Women’s success is the key to the future🗝】
I will be an instructor at this year’s Mrs. Global Earth Convention💃
As a woman, I am proud and happy to be involved in this.
I will be delivering a course on Beauty Witch Yoga in English and instructing on how to “improve your mind, body and intelligence that you can instantly perform at your best anytime, anywhere!” Would you like to join me in supporting 💖
This competition is here to produce female leaders who are aesthetically and intellectually radiant person and actively engage in SDGs global environmental issues and gender equality.
In Japan, where the population is dwindling and the economy is stagnant due to the declining birthrate, the future depends on the success of women.
In politics, economics, business, and all other areas, Japan, like other developed countries, will need many female leaders in the future!
I look forward to seeing your success! *\(^o^)/*
#英語でヨガ #グローバルマインド #心と体 #パーソナルヨガ #グローバルアース #愛知 #美魔女 #美魔女ヨガ #自然治癒力 #ダイエット #内観 #オンラインヨガ #大貫恵美子 #Emiko Onuki # yoga # yoga life #English yoga #ヨガ好きな人と繋がりたい #ニューヨーク流ヨガ #NY流ヨガ #本番力 #マインドフルネス #瞑想