皆さんがレッスンを受けやすいように、予め動画を作成しておいて、説明とブレンドして行うことにしました。 現在は、その作業に追われているところです。
【Happy hot summer!】🎐
People are jolly, open-minded, and happy this summer as well, but I am a little disappointed that this hotter-than-usual summer has prevented many summer-like events from taking place due to the corona.
How is everyone spending your time?
This summer, I will deliver a lecture on English Yoga at the Global Earth Mrs. Contest.
This event will be mostly online due to the Corona influence.
I will give the lecture on “Yoga in English,” it is actually an exercise, not the lecture, so it will require a twist to do it online.
To make it easier for everyone to take the lesson, I have decided to create a video beforehand and blend it with the explanations.
Currently, I am busy working on that.
I’m looking forward to the challenging lecture with positive, motivated people!
And make my energy up more and not letting the corona get in my way!
#英語でヨガ #グローバルマインド #心と体 #パーソナルヨガ #グローバルアース
#愛知 #美魔女ヨガ #心と体 #自然治癒力 #ダイエット #内観 #オンラインヨガ
#大貫恵美子 #Emiko Onuki # yoga # yogalife #English yoga #ヨガ好きな人と繋がりたい #ニューヨーク流ヨガ #NY流ヨガ #本番力 #マインドフルネス瞑想