

そこで感じたのが、「英語が得意な方が意外と多く参加される」ということ。 実はこれ、日本人特有の「謙遜」と深い関係があるんです。 

例えば、外国人に「日本語が話せますか?」と聞くと、「はい、話せます」と堂々と答えられます。 でも実際には挨拶程度のことも多いですよね。 一方、日本人はその逆で、英語を話せるのに「まだまだです」と答えることが多いのです。 

また、日本人が英語を話すとき、外国人の前よりも、むしろ英語が得意な日本人の前で緊張してしまう傾向があります。 「英語力をジャッジされるのではないか」と感じてしまうのです。 

面接でも同様のことが見られます。 外国人は自分の夢やビジョンを堂々と語りますが、日本人は控えめで「大それたことを言ってはいけない」という思いから目標を具体的に語れない場合があります。 

しかし、グローバルなビジネスの場では、自分の意見を明確に述べることが必要です。 海外では、意見を言わないことは「存在感がない」と見なされてしまうからです。 


英語力だけではなく、このマインドセットを身につけたい方、ぜひご連絡ください。 一緒に新しいキャリアの扉を開きましょう! 


【Japanese Humility and English Proficiency:  A Two-Faced Mindset to Shine Abroad✨】

I’ve hosted events “Café meeting for those who want to improve their careers in English” and ”English Communication Exchange Party!”

What I felt there was that “surprisingly many people who are good at English participate in Café meeting.  In fact, this has a deep relationship with “modesty” peculiar to Japanese people. 

For example, if you ask a foreigner, “Do you speak Japanese?” they will proudly answer, “Yes, I do. But in reality, it is often just a greeting.  Japanese people, on the other hand, do the opposite.  They often answer, “Not yet,” even though they can speak English. 

Also, when Japanese people speak English, they tend to get nervous in front of Japanese people who are good at English rather than in front of foreigners.  They feel that they will be judged on their English ability. 

The same thing can be seen in job interviews.  While foreigners are open about their dreams and visions, Japanese are more reserved and may not be able to be specific about their goals because they feel that they should not say anything too grandiose. 

In global business, however, it is necessary to clearly state one’s opinions.  This is because, overseas, not expressing one’s opinions is regarded as “not having a presence. 

Thus, understanding the differences in mindset and communication required in Japan and abroad, and learning the duality between the “virtue of modesty” in Japan and the “importance of self-expression” overseas, is the key to success in the global arena. 

If you are interested in acquiring this mindset as well as English language skills, please contact me.  Let’s open the door to a new career together! 


#English for Career Development   #Business English   #Cross-Cultural Communication 
#Self-Expression   #Japanese Strengths   #Global Talent  #Two-Face Mind #Overseas Business
#Humility and Self-Expression








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