私はビジネスパーソン向けに、ビジネス イングリッシュとコミュニケーション力を磨く講師をしています。
例えば、先日参加された20代後半の男性。 高校時代から人との関わりに悩み、大学では国際交流サークルやインカレに入りましたが、上手くいかない時期が続いたそうです。 そんな彼が会社員になり、プライベートなサークルに参加し、背中を押してくれる人に出会いました。 その結果、現在はフリーランスのITエンジニアとして活躍し、将来はマレーシアで働くことを目指しています。
実は、英語を話すことが性格を解放し、大きな変化をもたらすことがあります。 私自身、アメリカ人のバイリンガルの友人と話して気づいたのですが、日本語で話すと穏やかで丁寧なトーン、一方英語では陽気でカジュアルなトーンになります。 同じ人でも言語が変わると「話すモード」が切り替わるのです。
この効果を活かして、彼のように他人の目を気にしがちな人が英語を使うと、明るく前向きな性格に変わることがあります。 日本ではおとなしい性格だった方が、海外では積極的に自分を表現するようになり、キャリアや人間関係が広がるのです。
👉 https://lin.ee/Gsm9soM
🔤Free your personality and expand your career with English!
I am an instructor for business people to improve their business English and communication skills.
I hold “Café meeting for those who want to improve their careers with English skills,” and in talking with many people, I realize that English has the power to change personality!
For example, a man in his late 20s who recently joined my group. He had been struggling with relationships with others since high school and joined international exchange clubs and inter-college clubs at university, but there was a period of time when things did not go well. He became a company employee, joined a private circle, and met someone who encouraged him to be independent. Now he is a freelance IT engineer and aims to work in Malaysia in the future.
In fact, speaking English can liberate one’s personality and bring about great changes. I myself have noticed that when I talk to my American bilingual friends, the tone is calm and polite when speaking in Japanese, whereas in English, the tone is jovial and casual. Even the same person switches “speaking modes” when the language is changed.
Taking advantage of this effect, a person like him who tends to be concerned about what others think of him can change to a cheerful and positive personality when he uses English. A person who was quiet in Japan will express himself more actively abroad, and his career and personal relationships will expand.
If you want to use English as a weapon or change your personality, why don’t you try “Self Liberation in English”?
I’m waiting for you at the café meeting♪
Contact me here!
👉 https://lin.ee/Gsm9soM
#English for Career Development #English to Change Your Personality #Business English #Global Communication #English Cafe meeting #Self Liberation #Want to work abroad #Foreign Career