また、イーロン・マスク氏が政治の分野にも影響を与え始めています。 テクノロジーの発展とともに、これからの時代は、組織の一員として従うだけではなく、個人がどれだけ主体的に考え、決断し、発信できるかが重要になります。
しかし、日本のビジネス文化はどうでしょうか? これまで日本の企業は「集団で決める」「お伺いを立てる」ことを重視し、一人ひとりの決定権は低いものでした。 特に外交や国際ビジネスの場では、本音と建前を使い分け、慎重に事を進めるのが日本のやり方でした。しかし、今の世界では、そのスタイルは通用しにくくなっています。
📩 詳しくはこちらにご連絡下さい! 👉 https://lin.ee/Gsm9soM
🌏The world is moving into the age of the “individual! Build the strongest career with expertise x English
The age of the “individual” is accelerating. We have entered an era in which individuals with strong identities exert influence not only in the corporate world but also in international politics.
An acquaintance who was a classmate of Shigeru Ishiba told me an episode from her school days. She said that Mr. Ishiba was the student body president and had an honest and trustworthy. personality.
It was a very unique episode when he had the first meeting with President Trump and said, “At first I thought you were a horrible person…!” 😊
It is today that leaders with strong personalities like Trump stand at the center of the world and drive negotiations.
Also, Mr. Elon Musk is beginning to influence the political arena. With the development of technology, it’ll be important how much an individual can think, decide, and communicate independently, rather than just follow as a member of an organization.
But what about the Japanese business culture? Until now, Japanese companies have emphasized “group decision-making” and “asking for permission,” and the decision-making authority of each individual has been low. Especially in diplomacy and international business, the Japanese way of doing business was to proceed with caution, using both “honne” and “tatemae” (tactfulness). However, in today’s world, that style is becoming less and less acceptable.
Especially with the re-emergence of President Trump, there are more and more elements of instability in the world. In such an environment, the old style of “reading the air” diplomacy and business style is becoming difficult to deal with, and the time has come when speed of decision and initiative are required.
In this changing environment, what will be important for you to greatly expand your career is your expertise x English.
Now is your chance! Why don’t you take an action first?
Ride this great wave of change and take your career to the next stage!
📩 For more information, please contact me! 👉 https://lin.ee/Gsm9soM
#English for your career #Expertise x English #Global Talent #Global Career Change #Going to be an Expatriate #Decisiveness #Trump Re-emergence #Era of the Individual #International Competitiveness #Elon Musk