東京都では「外国人社員とのコミュニケーション力向上」や「外国人材活用」のプログラムが進んでいます。 とても素晴らしい試みですが、私はまず “日本側が相手の文化を理解すること” が何より重要だと考えます。
しかし—— その2人は、面接にすら来なかったのです。
・ 事前連絡なし
・ 面接後に言い訳のメール
・ 何時間もかけた選考が水の泡
● グローバル採用に必要な“免疫力”とは?
もし日本企業が 「日本の常識」で外国人を採用 すると、こうした出来事に直面し、どう対応すればいいかわからなくなります。
これが、日本企業が海外人材を活用する際の 大きな落とし穴 です。
☝ 重要なのは 相手の文化を知ること
・ どんな価値観・習慣・教育を受けて育ったのか
・ どんな仕事観を持っているのか
・ どんなトラブルが起こりうるのか
💬 あなたは海外ビジネスで驚いた経験はありますか?
👉 https://lin.ee/Gsm9soM
🌏“Pitfalls of Hiring Foreign Nationals” – No Success without Cultural Understanding!
What is really needed before utilizing global human resources?
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is moving forward with programs to “improve communication skills with foreign employees” and “utilization of foreign human resources”. It’s a very wonderful attempt, but I think the most important thing is for the “Japanese side to understand the other side’s culture” first.
● The Risk of Hiring Foreigners without Knowing Different Cultures
The other day, a foreign president of a financial institution told me the following story.
He had conducted an online hiring process in the U.S. and set up final interviews for two carefully selected candidates from a pool of 30.
However – those two didn’t even show up for the interview.
・No advance notice
・Emailed excuses after the interview
・Hours of selection process gone to waste
This is unthinkable in Japan, but it is “not uncommon” in other countries.
● What is the “immunity” required for global recruiting?
If Japanese companies hire foreigners based on “Japanese common sense,” they won’t know how to respond when faced with such an event.
This is a major pitfall for Japanese companies when they use foreign human resources.
☝ The key is to know the culture of the person you are hiring.
・What kind of values, customs, and education they grew up with
・What kind of work ethic do they have?
・What kind of problems might occur
Before hiring foreign personnel, you must first acquire the “ability to understand different cultures.
I felt that this is the key to future business success.
💬 Have you ever had an experience that surprised you in your foreign business?
Please let me know in the comments!
👉 https://lin.ee/Gsm9soM
#global talent #intercultural understanding #foreigner hiring #business English #international business