マーケットが誰にも読めない、信じられない状況に陥っています。 世界の有名投資家でさえ予想が付かない動きに、私は翻弄されました^^; 📈
#感動 #活躍 #エネルギー #高騰 #インフレ #異常気象 #ミサイル #不確実性 #時代 #為替 #変動 #翻弄 #マーケット #情勢 #困難 #変化 #予測 #変動 #環境 #複雑
#進歩 #環境問題 #グローバル化 #多様性 #発想 #スキル #臨機応変 #機敏 #連携 #人材育成
【What should we to do in these times of uncertainty? 】
Hello, everyone.
I hope you are all doing well this year.
How are you doing?
Although we are still in the Corona disaster, there have been a lot of very moving news for the nation this year!✨
Japan won a record 18 medals at the Beijing Olympics, Otani is playing a major role as a 2- way player in the Major League Baseball world, and at the World Cup soccer tournament, Japan finished 9th, they’ve made a history.🌏
However, it will soon be three years since the corona outbreak began, and there is no sign of a global end, and the world is still suffering from the soaring price of energy due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the frequent temperature extremes, floods, drought, and tornadoes that are occurring all over the world, and North Korea has launched more than 50 missiles threatening Japan.🚀
In the last six months alone, the dollar-yen exchange rate has seen tremendous fluctuations, with a high of 150.15 yen on October 20 and a low of 131.61 yen on August 1!
The market is in an unbelievable situation that no one can read. I was at the mercy of movements that even the world’s most famous investors could not predict. ^^; 📈
These are truly times of fast changing circumstances and difficult to predict the future (VUCA)! Rapid technological developments and many uncertainties complicate the business environment.
There is the spread of new coronary infections, increasing business complexity due to globalization, rapid advances in IT technology and social networking services, and worsening environmental problems.
Therefore, it is natural to promote DX (Digital Transformation), but in addition, it will be required from now on to have international communication skills to utilize diversity and to incorporate diversity international management.
In order not to fall further behind the most advanced countries, Japan needs not only Japanese thinking, but also the ideas and skills to collaborate with the world.
We must be resourceful and agile enough to adapt to this era of uncertainty.
What measures have you taken?
Please contact me if you are interested in developing such human resources! 👫
#inspiration #activity #energy #inflation #excessive prices #extreme weather #missiles #uncertainty #times #exchange #fluctuations #tossiness #market #situation #difficulties #change #predictions #variability #environment issues #complexity
#progress #environment #globalization #diversity #ideas #skills
#flexible #agility #cooperation #human resource development