若者たちに交じって、お正月に成田山で弓矢を射って来ました。 的の真ん中近くに的中することが出来ましたので、縁起がよさそうです。
初心者の私は、軌道が安定せず、打ち続けると的から外れていきました ^^;
Happy New Year🎍
There was a heartwarming speech by His Majesty the Emperor.
I was with His Majesty the Emperor at some meetings and have spoken with him personally a few times.
He is a friendly and open-minded person, and I feel as if he gently wraps me in his arms every time.
Since it was a private event, I regret that I was not able to take commemorative photos (lol).
I joined a group of young people to shoot with bow and arrow at Narita-san on New Year’s Day. I was able to hit near the center of the target, which seemed to bring me good luck.
As a beginner, my trajectory was not stable, and as I kept hitting it, it kept going off the target ^^;
I felt a good connection with young men group, not only where I shot my bow and arrow, but also where we were seated next to each other in one of the many restaurants!
It was a wonderful way to start the year, with a heartwarming speech by His Majesty the Emperor and meeting wonderful people.
I wish everyone a happy new year!
I look forward to connecting with you again this year.