日本に火薬が伝わったのは1543年、ポルトガル人が漂流した時に持っていた鉄砲の部品であったと言われています。 花火で使われる火薬の一種は爆薬ですね。
花火は3D化して来て、 打ち上がった後も今までなかったシルエットが映し出されました。
[Every time I go to a fireworks festival, I discover something new! *\(^o^)/*]
How do you like this year?
This year was the first time in four years that the Edo river Fireworks Festival was held due to Corona, but the number of spectators was 1.4 million. 🎇
It is said that gunpowder was introduced to Japan in 1543 as a component of guns carried by the Portuguese when they drifted ashore. The type of gunpowder used in fireworks is explosive.
At the fireworks, I could find some discovery since last time in 4years before Corona! The pyrotechnicians must have been kept doing their research!
Fireworks have come to be 3D, and even after they were shot up, they projected silhouettes that had never been seen before.
What is your special technique that makes you different from others like this?
Sometimes it’s a small town factory in Japan that makes parts for NASA’s spacecraft.
The craftsmanship of Japanese pyrotechnicians really impresses me every time.
It’s a traditional technique that they put their hearts and souls into and put their lives on the line to pass down!
Japanese fireworks are said to be the most elaborate and beautiful in the world.
My foreign friends were extremely impressed by the high quality.
Yeah, this is not No.1, but the ONLY one!
Like this way, finding and developing individual uniqueness will be required from now on.
For Japanese people, this is a common event, but my foreign friends told me that such an elaborate fireworks display, plus the amazing teamwork in it, wouldn’t be possible in other countries.
If we can convey this kind of thing to foreign visitors to Japan, it’ll lead them to know the Japanese way of thinking and will be very useful for businesses.
I hope that we can answer the simple questions and queries of visitors from overseas and promote the good qualities of Japan to people overseas, and help them fall in love with Japan even more.
If you are interested, please contact me.
#Fireworks #Discovery #Audience #Craftsman #Inspiration #Tradition #Technology #The Best in the World” #Exquisite #Beauty #Friend #Quality #No.1 #Only One #unique #extend #modern age #required #teamwork #visitors #communicate #Japan #thought #business #overseas #questions #appeal #love