👆ビジネスで英語を武器に! 海外と日本の異文化交流の秘訣とは?


さて、皆さんは日本語と英語の「食感」を表す言葉の数に違いがあるのをご存知ですか? 日本語にはなんと「445語」、一方で英語は「77語」。 この違いは、日本人の繊細な感覚を示しており、海外の方々にも驚かれます。  私がよく接する海外のビジネスパーソンも、日本食を楽しんでいる姿を見て、その感覚の広がりに感銘を受けます。

しかし、彼らとのランチョンミーティングでは、ステーキ、ハンバーガーやカレーなどのシンプルな選択肢が多いのです。 日本人の私たちは、より多様な食の選択肢があり、そこに文化の違いが表れます。

また、欧米と日本のビジネス文化には「会食の時間帯」にも大きな違いがあります。 欧米では昼間にアルコールを交えたビジネスランチが主流ですが、日本では夜に会食が行われることが多いです。 欧米のビジネスパーソンにとって、夜はプライベートタイム。 仕事の会食は避けられがちですが、これは合理的で良い習慣だと感じます。

ただし、私が東京でアメリカの金融機関に勤務していた時には、夜に行われる接待で特別な体験をしました。 それは、ワールドベースボールやワールドカップの試合観戦、さらには有名ミュージシャンのコンサートなど! これらはプライベートで参加したいイベントばかりで、夜でも大歓迎の接待でした。


👆English as a Weapon in Business!  What’s the Secret to Cross-Cultural Exchange Between Foreign Countries and Japan?”

I provide support for businesspersons to double your market value with English x expertise.

Now, did you know that there is a difference in the number of words used to describe “texture” in Japanese and English?  Japanese has a whopping “445 words,” while English has “77 words. This difference shows the delicate sensibility of the Japanese people and is surprising to people from overseas.  I can see the foreign businesspersons I often come in contact with are enjoying Japanese food and am impressed by the breadth of their senses.

However, in my luncheon meetings with them, they often have simple choices such as steak, hamburger and curry.  As Japanese, we have more diverse food choices, and that is where the cultural differences show.

There is also a big difference in “meal times” between Western and Japanese business cultures. In Europe and the U.S., business lunches with alcohol are usually held during the daytime, while in Japan, dinners are often held in the evening.  For Western businesspeople, the evening is private time.  Although business dinners are often avoided, I feel this is a good and reasonable custom.

However, when I was working for an American financial institution in Tokyo, I had a special experience with evening entertainment.  That is, watching World Baseball and World Cup games, and even concerts of famous musicians!  These were all events that I would have loved to attend privately, and the entertainment was very welcome at night!

I’d love to hear about your cross-cultural experiences and impressions in business!

#Business English  #Global Talent  #Cultural Exchange  #English Improvement #Overseas Business  #Business Communication  #Foreign Company  #Small Talk #Business Etiquette







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