私もファイナリストの方たちに刺激され、ヨガと食事の量をコントロールして、少しファスティングをして、1ヶ月で3kg減量させました (^_-)-☆
いくつになっても健康に美しくいられるようにしたいものですよね \(^o^)/\(^o^)/
You are amazing!! \(^o^)/
【Easily lose 3 kg in a month!】
What is your experience?
I gave a course as an instructor at the Beauty Camp for the Mrs. Contest.
A famous singer who participated in the Kohaku Uta Gassen was invited as a guest and the competition was held in a spectacular way recently.
Inspired by the finalists, I also did yoga, controlled the amount of food I ate, and did a little fasting and lost 3 kg in one month (^_-)-☆.
Even if you arn’t overweight, you’ll be healthier if you rest your stomach and fast from time to time❣
I participated in a yukata instead of western clothes, so people couldn’t see the results of my weight loss from my yukata, but I wanted to join the ladies participating in the Mrs. Contest!
We want to stay healthy and beautiful no matter how old we are \(^o^)/\(^o^)/
Because of the worldwide outbreak of corona infection, future world conventions may not be held.
When I say world championships, unlike Japanese people who have a thin core, people from other countries have a stocky physique.
Many people I know from overseas in Japan are also large horizontally.
However, due to their ancestral eating and lifestyle habits, even if they have fattening cells, they don’t seem to be judged as unhealthy when they undergo a medical checkup.
This is in contrast to some Japanese who appear to be thin but have high blood pressure or hyperlipidemia.
Know your own characteristics and follow a fasting or diet that works for you!
If you would like to hear more, please contact me.
You are amazing!! \(^o^)/