私の美魔女ヨガ in Englishレッスンをきっかけに、色々な境遇にいらっしゃる方々とお話する機会が持てました🙎
You are amazing!! *\(^o^)/*
#2022mrsglobalearthjapan #愛知
#ビューティーキャンプ #ファイナリスト #チャレンジャー
#ビューティーキャンプ講師 #美魔女ヨガ in English
#大貫恵美子 #Emiko Onuki #英語でヨガ #グローバルマインド
#心と体 #パーソナルヨガ #自然治癒力 #ダイエット
#内観 #オンラインヨガ #English yoga #ニューヨーク流ヨガ
#本番力 #マインドフルネス瞑想
[After becoming the instructor at a beauty contest]
It opened up new encounters and gave me new experiences!
My Beauty Witch Yoga in English class gave me a chance to talk with people from various backgrounds.
The participants are seen by many people, which helps them refine their inner and outer beauty.
When I saw these women working hard to achieve their goals, I naturally cheered them on!
I had no intention of going on a diet, but I found myself naturally getting in shape along with the finalists. *\(^o^)/**\(^o^)/*
We are experiencing an unprecedented situation with the global corona outbreak, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the yen weakening for the first time in 24 years.
In Japan, the days when it was considered good to graduate from a good university and enter a large company are over, and individual ability is now the key.
Although talented women are beginning to play an active role, the social structure is still heavily weighted toward men!
I have seen many talented women in Japan as full-time housewives because their husbands work for large companies.
I hope that the social structure of Japan will be changed in order to increase the number of Japanese women in the society and to improve the status of Japanese women in the global market.