「先生の指導のおかげで、今の私があります」と言われ、感無量!! 教師冥利につきます!
たまに私は投稿する、掲示板のような状態になっていましたが、nice surprise!!
しかし、決して諦めないで、大好きな英語に触れ続けて来た結果、運命の扉が開きました!! そんな彼女をとても誇りに思います。 これからも彼女から目が離せません!
自分でも何がやりたいのか分からなかったり、周りの声に影響されて、流されることもあると思います。 しかし、行っている全てが修行のようなもので、必ず後で役に立つようになります。
「一生勉強、一生青春」あの世に行くまでに実現すればいいので、私もまだまだ進行形です (^_-)-☆
【Saw the moment when my student’s skills blossomed 🎊】
Are you on your way to becoming the person you wanted to be?
I was so moved when I was told, “Thanks to your guidance, because of you I became the person I am today! It is a great honor to be a teacher!
It’s been a while since I posted, and an English student of mine contacted me.
NICE SURPRISE! Every once in a while I would post, it had been like a message board though.
She was able to communicate in fluent English, as if she was a native speaker, with passion!
I was very moved and very happy to see her again, who has grown so much as a human being as well!
She had been saying for some time that she wanted to be able to speak and use English.
However, there were twists and turns, and she had been heading in a direction in her life that had nothing to do with English.
However, she never gave up, and as a result of her continued practicing English, which she loves, the door to her destiny opened! I am very proud of her. I can’t keep my eyes off her!
I think sometimes we don’t know what we want to do, or we are influenced by the voices around us and go with the flow. However, everything you do is like some training, and it’ll surely come in useful later.
Anyway, believe in yourself and do what you like and what excites you!
You will shine brightly and your path will open up.
Let’s make a big flower bloom in your own way.
I am still in the process of “lifelong study, lifelong youth,” as long as I can make it happen before I go to the next world (^_-)-☆.
If you are interested, please become my friend on LINE.
#impressive #teacher #teaching #students #fluent #English #communication #growth #inspiring #glad #never give up #proud #impact #believe #shine #practice #believe #your way #flower #blossom #youth #progress