
私は、ビジネスパーソン向けにビジネスイングリッシュやコミュニケーション力を指導している講師です。 外資系企業での採用経験を活かし、グローバルに活躍するための人材育成を行っています。

先日、国際的なビジネス交流会に参加してきました。 欧米、アジア、アフリカなど、世界中から集まったビジネスパーソンと直接話す機会はとても貴重です。 まるで海外にいるような感覚で、さまざまな国籍の方と楽しく会話し、とても有意義な時間を過ごしました。

そこで驚いたのが、日本語を非常に流暢に話す外国人の多さです。 ワーキングホリデーで来日し、日本に残って働きたいという方々も多く、少子化が進む日本にはこうした人材の力がますます必要だと感じました。

彼らの多くは、実際にビジネス現場で使える日本語スキルを持っており、日本語試験の最高レベル、N1を持っている訳ではありません。 それでも、仕事の場では十分な日本語力を発揮しています。 これは、英語を使う私たち日本人にも通じる点があります。 どれだけ英語の試験が出来ても、真のビジネス力は身に付かないのです。



これからのビジネスは、国内にとどまらず、グローバルに広がっていくべきです。 英語を武器にして、あなたのビジネスを世界に展開してみませんか?


🌏Use your English skills to take on the challenge of doing business overseas!

I am an instructor who teaches business English and communication skills to business people. Drawing on my experience in recruiting for foreign-affiliated companies, I train people to be active on the global stage.

I recently attended an international business networking event.  The opportunity to speak directly with businesspeople from all over the world, including Europe, the U.S., Asia, and Africa, is very valuable.  I felt as if I were overseas and had a very meaningful time conversing with people of various nationalities.

What surprised me there was the large number of foreigners who spoke Japanese very fluently. Many of them came to Japan on a working holiday and wanted to stay and work in Japan.  I felt that Japan needs more and more of such human resources as the birthrate declines.

Many of them have Japanese language skills that can actually be used in business settings and do not have the highest level of the Japanese language exam, N1.  Even so, they are able to demonstrate sufficient Japanese language skills in the workplace.  This is also true for us Japanese who use English.  No matter how well you perform on English exams, you will never acquire true business skills.

Especially in Japan, there is a tendency to emphasize English proficiency in exams, but no matter how many English exams you pass, you will never be able to acquire actual negotiation and communication skills.

It is said that 95% of President Biden’s recent campaign speech was given in middle school level English.  In other words, it is easier than you think to apply the English we have already learned to business.

Business from now on should expand globally, not just domestically.  Why don’t you use English as a weapon to expand your business to the world?

For inquiries, please contact us at

#Business English  #global talent  #succeed globally  #learning English  #international business  #career development  #working holiday  #business abroad







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