ジムのような所で、彼らと話をしたことがありますか? メンバー同士だと気楽に話が出来ます。 いい英語の練習になりますので、お勧めです!
以前、コロナでスポーツクラブに行けなかった時は、海外のヨガなどのプログラムを見つけて、オンラインレッスンに参加していました。 皆さんはどうしていました?
かくいう私も、コロナ渦なのでオンラインで、ミセスコンテストの講師として、英語でヨガの指導を皆さまにして来ました (笑)
お自身のお好きなエクササイズと英語を掛け合わせて行うと、心身知の一石三鳥になりますよ! ぜひ実践して感想をお聞かせ下さい。
【👆The best and most efficient way to learn English! 】
Did you know?
If you do it while moving your body, you will learn English much more efficiently!
You may have had an idea that came to you while jogging, walking, or exercising.
English is very effective and retains itself well when learned in a natural state of relaxation of the brain.
Since we spend more time sitting and working than we did before Corona, physical exercise has become more important.
What kind of exercises do you do?🏂
My foreign friends invite me to basketball practice, jogging, yoga, and I practice with a mixed team of men and women.
I also exercise regularly at a sports club.
When I go to there, there are quite a few foreign people who are members.
I am often talked to by foreigners more than Japanese. ☺
Have you ever talked with them in a gym? Feel comfortable talking with other members, don’t you? It’ll be good English practice, I recommend it.
The gym usually has lessons in Japanese, but sometimes we have English video lessons for programs from the US.
I couldn’t go abroad for long because of Corona, and I can enjoy the lessons feel like I’m in the U.S.!
In the past, when I couldn’t go to the sports club in Corona, I found some programs such as yoga in overseas and participate in online lessons. How about you?
I had to adjust my schedule because of the time difference, and to be honest, the exercises were hard to do because the computer screen was so small that it was hard to get a realistic feeling of the exercise.
And I also went online and taught yoga lessens in English as an instructor for the Mrs. Contest in Corona time!
Combining your favorite exercises with English is a great way to kill three birds with one stone, mind, body and knowledge! Please try it and let me know what you think.
If you like, please register here and become my friend👫